Ep 01: What’s the point, anyway?

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Does being organized make you a better person, or earn you girl scout badges for holiness? What’s the real point here?

Some people miss the point about being organized...  Having a sexy home and making your pantry Pinterest worthy, though nice, are definitely not the point.  Making your bed in the morning does not make you a better person by default.  But being an organized person is a tool in your tool kit for getting what you want in LIFE.  Your home is your foundation for how you show up in the rest of your life; your physical space is a reflection of your mental space, and vice versa.  How can you #crush your hopes and dreams when you are living in chaos or obsessing over how your home might look to people who don’t even live there?

The point of being organized is to spend your time and energy doing meaningful things instead of perpetually cleaning up (or not cleaning up and simply hating your home).  The point is to be able to focus on what matters to you without wasting time, energy, space, and money on distractions.  

The point is to make your life easier and eliminate unnecessary struggle.  Life has enough inherent struggle without adding your home to that list.  Struggle itself is neither necessary nor meaningful, so let’s stop trying to earn badges for how hard we work to keep it all together.  When you have a home that supports your vision for your life, things fall into place with far less struggle.


Ep 02: When life itself doesn’t spark joy