Get your home ready for outside humans

(in one day)


Hey you.

I see your messy house…and I raise you one.

You’re not hallucinating, that’s MY HOUSE.

Why’s it so messy if I’m the profesh organizer you ask?

Because cleaning and decluttering is not THE MOST IMPORTANT thing in life. On the day this pic was taken, I wrote a killer blog post, emailed a couple of past clients to check in, spent quality time with my 2 year old, took a fantastic walk, and actually cooked dinner at a decent time.

Oh — and when I did go to tidy up this space, it took me 5 minutes TOPS.

Decluttering the Tidy Rebel way means that your systems work FOR you when you want them to.

Your space is meant to be lived in AND loved.

It’s not meant to be a space of overwhelm and clutter-claustrophobia.

I’m sure you’ve had enough to worry about for the past… two years. Organizing your home probably isn’t one of them.

But now it’s time! And while you may be dragging your feet trying to tidy up your home, I’ve got a solution that’ll light a little fire under your tush.

Hi! I'm Kel


and I call myself your “organization anti-guru”.

I will help you get your sh*t together so you can actually rest without the anxiety of a messy home - and without the BS rules that most other experts will hammer you with.

(i.e. Lucky for you, I’m not Marie Kondo. )

I bring the shame-free energy. You know why? Because I am human. AND SO ARE YOU.

The degree of messiness or tidiness of your home means absolutely nothing about your character. Though it may tell a story of your overwhelm and exhaustion. That’s why I’m here to help.

How your One Day Organizing Intensive goes down…

  • STEP 1: The Arrival

    I show up on your doorstep with latte in hand, Rambo bandana on, and my brain full of ideas and practical knowledge about how to cut straight through your clutter, confusion, excuses, and overwhelm.

  • STEP 2: The Tour

    We do a standard consultation where you give me a tour of the space that you want to transform, tell me what's working vs what's not working, how you use the space vs how you want to use the space, and basically your life story (I eat up every word, and take copious notes).

  • STEP 3: The Plan

    I ask you lots of questions about your challenges, goals, behaviors, and habits in your home and then we brainstorm a plan of action right there on the SPOT to get it organized and functioning with ease. All roads lead back to aligning with your values, writing your own rules, and bringing your vision together for a home that supports who you want to be (and repels all of the other BS).

  • STEP 4: Action

    I get straight to werk banging out the sorting, moving, purging, and re-organizing with your input and help. We will setup new systems or refresh old systems to give everything a logical and functional home that looks good and makes your life easier. We will discuss what kind of products could help, but keep the focus on re-writing the story that your stuff tells you.

  • STEP 5: The Wrap

    We will get as much done of the game plan as we possibly can in 6 hours (I work fast if you let me, but we will go at your pace). At the end of our time, I will leave you with a plan for next steps, products to buy, and a plan of attack that honors where you want to spend your time, money, and energy. You can decide if you want to continue on solo, or enlist my help in the next phase of your journey.

  • STEP 6: Decluttered Euphoria!

    Your home will feel good to live (and entertain in) again! You'll feel lighter and more relaxed! You’ll reconnect with other humans who live there! Your stuff will be in alignment with your hopes & dreams. Angels will descend from the heavens and sing hymns of praise.

Not sure if my methods will work for your madness?

Get me on the horn, and let’s find out before you book!


  • I am a human of many talents, and if it involves sorting, purging, moving, packing, coordinating, assembling, or organizing STUFF - I’m probably your gal. If you need something slightly different, let’s chat!

  • All intensives must take place within the Seattle/Puget Sound area (within 1.5 hours).

  • A: I am fully vaccinated, and I prefer that you are as well. I will defer to what you are most comfortable with in your home (masks etc). No judgement to unvaccinated folks, but I'm not interested in prolonging this pandemic any more than necessary.

  • A: No. I do not bring cleaning supplies, a vacuum, etc. and do not do deep cleaning during your organizing intensive. There will be some natural cleaning aspects when it comes to organizing, of course. What we do together will make it 10000x easier for you to do a deeper clean once I leave (made up statistic).

  • A: You've got my expertise for 6 hours, we can work on literally ANY area(s) of your home. It doesn't have to be just one room, it can be a combination of any spaces you want help with. (Garages are included, but can be trickier if you use them for a specific trade/business).

  • A: Your intake questions for your intensive will give you space to share written info about your space as well as a few images. Please note, I do not begin working on or strategizing for your space before your scheduled intensive. (If you would like a standard, phased organizing package - I do those too! Holler at me here).

  • A: Puhleeez. I dare you to scare me with your mess. If you think your house is too much of a challenge that one day will be a waste, I disagree. At the very least, we will make a dent that can be seen from outer space and get the ball rolling fast enough that it will keep going for a while after I leave. I can't promise magic tricks, but I can promise that if you are not a hoarder then it will take less time than your brain is convinced of! (If you prefer a whole-house package done in phases for you, hit me up for that instead)

  • A: No. But I will bring a furniture dolly in case we need to use it (rest assured, I am insured).